We endeavour to be a ‘Reading School’.
At Hunton CE Primary School, we believe reading is the foundation of learning and consequently at the heart of the curriculum.
We follow and adopt the Little Wandle, Letters and Sounds Phonics scheme. Please see below for an overview of phonemes taught. Phonics is taught daily in EYFS and Year 1, with catch-up interventions for those not yet secure in their phonetic knowledge.

To engage pupils into reading, each class, every term has a class novel from which to teach reading skills from. Class teachers select engaging and rich texts to immerse pupils into new worlds, as well as using texts to support wider curriculum learning. The school has two libraries to further foster a love for reading.
Pupils learn reading progressively, using our Reading Skills Progression Booklet available.
Reading Text Maps
Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. As well as high-quality texts in English lessons, teachers have also carefully considered story-time books for pleasure and other reading books available across foundation subjects.
Please see below the yearly reading text maps from each class:
Please check out our free online audio books to listen to with your child (see below).