School Start and Finish Times

Devas (Year R)

Start Time  8.45am

Finish Time 3.10pm

Drop off and pick up: In the playground


Bannerman (Year 1 and 2)

Start Time:  8:45am

Finish Time: 3.15pm

Drop off and pick up: In the playground


Porteous (Year 3 and 4)

Start Time:  8:40am

Finish Time: 3.10pm

Drop off and pick up: At the main door by the office


Borton (Year 4 and 5)

Start Time:  8:40am

Finish Time: 3.10pm

Drop off and pick up: At the main door by the office

The start and finish times show the compulsory times that the school is open. This runs from the official start of the school day (morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day. It includes breaks, but not optional before or after school activities.