Pupil Leadership

Head Boy and Head Girl
They demonstrate positive behaviours and act as role models for all years. They are responsible for supporting the leadership of the school and implementing our school values. We believe that our Head children have important roles to play in the daily life of Hunton CEP school and are expected to take their roles seriously. This is a good opportunity for a child to lead by example and it is a prestigious role in our school.
Leading Lights
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
As Leading Lights we are a group of dedicated children from Y5 and Y6 who play a very important role in developing the Christian character of the school. Our responsibilities include:
· being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian values
· planning, leading and evaluating collective worship
· acting as a voice on behalf of our fellow pupils with regard to the Christian character of our school.
We are responsible for maintaining the prayer and reflection spaces and take the lead in creating and carrying out prayer in both collective and class worship.
We are also responsible for leading aspects of collective worship both in school and at St Mary’s Church.
Furthermore, we monitor collective worship by asking other pupils for their views on how we can make it better and more accessible as well as ensuring the following:
Candle lit Bible verse / story Song Prayer and reflection time Children involved Sent out with a thought
We encourage children to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their faith.
Digital Leaders
As Digital Leaders we help the teachers control the computers during Collective Worship; we also make sure all of the IPads and laptops are charged every night. This year, we helped to promote Safer Internet Day to all of the children by putting together an assembly.
Eco Council
Lots of great projects have been completed by the Eco-council in the past, such as:
- Helping to design the new garden area
- Buying and maintaining bird feeders around the school grounds
- Litter picking in the local community
- Tower of London Superbloom project
Projects we would like to think about for the future are:
- Big battery hunt- recycling batteries
- Den building
- Planting in the new garden
- Clothes recycling/donations
School Council
As part of the school council we listen to the children in our class and find out what they would like to change to make our school even better than it already is! When we meet, we share these ideas and identify practical ways we can make them happen. Recently, we made a list of inspiring people we could use for our house names, asked the rest of the school to vote for their favourite and then found our four new house names.