Hunton PTFA

We have a very active PTFA which holds a number of fundraising events throughout the school year. These help to fund new equipment and facilities for the school and children. It is also a great way of maintaining a strong bond between children, their families, teachers and the whole school community.

All parents are automatically members of the PTFA and without you we could not continue to make such a positive impact on the day to day life of our school. If you would like to join the Committee or can offer to help at PTFA events, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Committee members. 

The PTFA has contributed to a number of school improvements which aid school events and initiatives, these include:

  • Significant contribution to the transport bill towards the Years 5/6 PGL residential
  • Providing working parties of volunteers for school improvement projects
  • Maintenance for the Quiet Area, Outdoor Reading Area and Sensory Garden
  • Arranging an Easter egg hunt for the children at Easter
  • Providing refreshments to pupils at the end of Sports Day
Hunton PTFA Committee
PTFA Chair -  Mandy Cross
PTFA Treasurer - Kathy Reid
PTFA Secretary - Vacant
PTFA Committee Members:  Rachel Kelly, Nicola Rivaud, Cheryl Larmour and Rob Edmans.


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